Medical Insurance
The company currently operates, a mandatory group scheme for the provision of certain medical benefits. Employees have the option to add eligible dependents.
Life Insurance
The Group Life Insurance is provided at the Company’s expense and covers you for two (2) year’s basic salary against death from most causes to listed beneficiaries.
Pension Plan
The Company currently operates a defined contribution pension plan. This pension plan is contributory at the rate of 2% of that portion of your salary that is below the NIC limit (currently EC$5,000 per month) and 5% for the portion of your salary that is more than the NIC ceiling which is matched by the company.
Charge Accounts
Charge accounts are available at our retail business for eligible employees.
Training & Development
All M&C Group of Company employees are given equal access to training and development opportunities. The group normally trains its employees in three ways:
Internal Company Initiated Training
External Company Initiated Training
Employee Initiated Training
Medic Assist Program
This program provides financial assistance due to burdensome medical expenses to all full-time employees who have been employed for one year minimum with GEL.
GEL Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
EAP provides employees with the services of a qualified counsellor to resolve personal problems that are likely to affect their work performance, their colleagues’ work performance and their behavior towards customers.
Marriage Gifts
Full Time Permanent employees can receive a wedding gift from the company of EC$250.00.
Staff Discounts
Permanent employees are entitled to discounts on most goods purchased from company stores.
Scholarship and School Book Allowance
The company offers three (3) scholarship annually for children of full-time qualifying employees to pursue secondary education.
School Book Allowance
The company offers five (5) schoolbook allowances annually for children of full-time qualifying employees who are enrolled in grades 3 – 6.
Long Service
In recognition of long service and appreciation of loyalty the Company awards eligible employees on achievement of milestone anniversaries.
Paternity Leave
Permanently employed fathers will be granted paid paternity leave on request up to a maximum of ten (10) business days (evidence of paternity is required).
Christmas Ham/ Turkey
The company will make available at Christmas time, a Ham or a Turkey to all qualifying permanent employees.
Birthday Gift
The company will provide a small gift in recognition of a team members’ birthday.
Compassionate Leave
In the event of the death of an immediate family member a full time employee will granted leave with three (3) days if the death occurs locally and four (4) days if the death occurs overseas.
Uniforms & Personal Protective Equipment
The company will provide uniforms and protective clothing as required.